case 274:
switch (buttonId) {
case 5://Updates
p.frames.showInterface(p, 255);
p.frames.setString(p, "<col=77FF77>The latest and greatest client has come out, v3.1! Make sure you download it so you can access the new pvp world!", 255, 3);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to read the rule book!");
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 9003, 1);
if (Engine.wildernessArea(p.absX, p.absY)) {
case 7:
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2558+Misc.random(5), 2846+Misc.random(3), 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Theres no place like home!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 8://death cape
if (p.pkp <= 19) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 20) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 4353, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your death cape!");
p.pkp -= 20;
case 9://granite maul
if (p.pkp <= 24) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 25) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 4153, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your granite maul!");
p.pkp -= 25;
case 10://full granite
if (p.pkp <= 39) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 40) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 3122, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 6809, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 10564, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 10589, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your Granite Armour!");
p.pkp -= 40;
case 11://dragon dagger (p++)
if (p.pkp <= 29) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 30) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 5698, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your Dragon dagger(p++)!");
p.pkp -= 30;
case 12://10x Sharks
if (p.pkp <= 9) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 10) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 385, 10);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your 10x Shakrs!");
p.pkp -= 10;
case 13://100x Sharks
if (p.pkp <= 14) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 15) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 386, 100);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your 100x Sharks!");
p.pkp -= 15;
case 14://Potion Pack
if (p.pkp <= 9) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 10) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2428, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2432, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2444, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 113, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2446, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 3040, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your Potions!");
p.pkp -= 10;
case 15://Super Potion Pack
if (p.pkp <= 14) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 15) {
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2436, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2440, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2442, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 2446, 1);
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 3040, 1);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You recive your Super Potions!");
p.pkp -= 15;
case 16://Restore Special
if (p.pkp <= 9) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 10) {
p.specialAmount = 100;
p.specialAmountUpdateReq = true;
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Your Spec has been restored!");
p.pkp -= 10;
case 17://De-Poison
if (p.pkp <= 4) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You need more PKP to get this item!");
} else if (p.pkp >= 5) {
Engine.poison.startPoison(p, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You are no longer poisoned!");
p.pkp -= 5;
} else if (!Engine.wildernessArea(p.absX, p.absY)) {
case 7://Dragon Slayer
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if (p.DragonSlayer == 0) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "To start this quest, speak to the Guildmaster.", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "He is located north of the home bank", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "in falador park.", 275, 14);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 14 + i);
if (p.DragonSlayer == 1) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "The Guildmaster told me to speak to Oziach.", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "He is located in Edgeville.", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "The fastest way to get there is ::edge.", 275, 14);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 14 + i);
if (p.DragonSlayer == 2) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "Oziach put me on a quest to slay Elvarg the dragon.", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "The guildmaster will give me more information.", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 13 + i);
if (p.DragonSlayer == 3) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "The dragon is located on Crandor Island.", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "I will need a map from the Oracle on Ice Mountain.", 275, 14);
p.frames.setString(p, "I will need a shield to protect me.", 275, 15);
p.frames.setString(p, "I will need a ship to get there.", 275, 16);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 16 + i);
if (p.DragonSlayer == 4) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "I slayed the dragon!", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "I should return to Oziach and tell him.", 275, 14);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 14 + i);
if (p.DragonSlayer == 5) {
p.frames.showInterface(p, 275);
p.frames.setString(p, "Dragon Slayer", 275, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 11);
p.frames.setString(p, "<col=66FF33>QUEST COMPLETE", 275, 12);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 13);
p.frames.setString(p, "I now can wear rune platebodies, dragon platebodies,", 275, 14);
p.frames.setString(p, "and dragon chainbodies", 275, 15);
p.frames.setString(p, "Get your quest cape from the wise old man...", 275, 16);
p.frames.setString(p, "He is sitting on the bench in falador park.", 275, 17);
p.frames.setString(p, "", 275, 14 + i);
case 10://starters & staff teleports
if (p.rights >= 1) {
p.teleportTo(2339, 3172, 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
case 13://Home tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2558+Misc.random(5), 2846+Misc.random(3), 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Theres no place like home!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 14://Party Room
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.setCoords(3046 + Misc.random(6), 3381 + Misc.random(3), 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Pull the lever to start a party!");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
p.appearanceUpdateReq = true;
p.updateReq = true;
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 15://Shops Tele
p.Choice = 6;
p.Dialogue = 0;
p.frames.setString(p, "Home Shops", 458, 1);
p.frames.setString(p, "Grand Exchange", 458, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "Donator Shops", 458, 3);
p.frames.showChatboxInterface(p, 458);
p.Cooking = false;
p.TalkAgent = false;
p.DecorChange = false;
case 16://Training tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.setCoords(3032 + Misc.random(4), 9582, 0);
p.requestGFX(1679, 0);
p.requestAnim(8941, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You have just teleported to training!");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 17://Donators Training tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
if ((p.donator == 0 && p.rights == 0)) {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Sorry but you must first become a donator to enter.");
} else if ((p.donator == 1 || p.rights >= 1)) {
p.setCoords(2520 + Misc.random(4), 3041 + Misc.random(4), 0);
p.requestGFX(1679, 0);
p.requestAnim(8941, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You have just teleported to training!");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Please note this isnt 100% done yet! Thank you - iceyyscape");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 18://King black dragon
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2270, 4690, 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You have just teleported to the King's layer...");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 19://Safety Dungeon tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(3175, 4239, 2, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You have just teleported to Safety Dungeon's Mini Game!");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
Engine.playerItems.addItem(p, 13151, 1);
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 20://Barrows
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(3565, 3301, 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Barrows drop rate is NOW <img=2>80%");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 21://God Wars tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2882, 5309, 2, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.heightLevel = 2;
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You Teleport to Godwars!");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 22://Castle wars tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2443, 3088, 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You Teleport To Castle Wars");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 23://Fight Pits tele
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.teleportTo(2399, 5178, 0, 4, 0, 8939, 8941, 1678, 0, 1679, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>Welcome to Fight Pits");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 24://Pvp
if (p.jailed == (0)) {
p.setCoords(3127 + Misc.random(8), 3689 + Misc.random(8), 0);
p.requestGFX(482, 0);
p.requestAnim(1914, 0);
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2>You Teleport to Pvp! On death items are:<col=77FF77>SAFE");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "<img=2><col=77FF77>Dont forget to type ::savebackup incase your account gets reset!");
} else {
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "You can't teleport while in jail.");
p.frames.sendMessage(p, "Next time be more careful!");
case 26://Quick Shop
p.Choice = 8;
p.Dialogue = 0;
p.frames.setString(p, "Food Shop", 458, 1);
p.frames.setString(p, "Skill Shop", 458, 2);
p.frames.setString(p, "-iCEYY!GENERAl-", 458, 3);
p.frames.showChatboxInterface(p, 458);