i have an imageViewer and i want to change the imagePanel into a TabbedPane so i can have more than one image open at the same time but have each of them in a different tab and be able to add and remove the tabs as well.
what i have:
private ImagePanel imagePanel; //<< i tried to change the ImagePanel to JTabbedPane but it doesn't work and it gives error in other parts of the codes that i have.
// Create the image pane in the center
imagePanel = new ImagePanel();
imagePanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
contentPane.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
the code above is for the image pane where the image is displayed.
is it possible to change the image pane to a tabbedPane without changeing other bits in the code?
i have looked at alot of tabbedpane examples but i don't know how to combine the code with my code to get it to work but i did put a few code examples into my program but the frame changes to tabbedpane and not the image pane where the image is displayed. i want to change the inner frame to tabbed not the actual frame of the program.
any suggestions on how should i go about it or if you can show me a simple example that could work.
thank you