hi . first please put your codes on highlight tags >> [highlight=java] code [/highlight]
you cant print those individualy EACH line.. because your String object(Variable) is a WHOLE string.
so when you enter, say, 1234 , the number1 does not contain individual strings.. its a one whole intact STRING
, when you wrote this statement >
"The Numbers you typed are. "\n" + number1 + "\n",
its like your telling java ok print a NewLine("\n) and print the values of number1 and print another NewLine "\n"
you need to get each one of it.. and assign it individually into another STRING object and adding a new line
ill provide the logic of the loop for you .
for (int x = 0; x <= number1.length() - 1; x++) {
eachNumber = eachNumber + ("" + "\n" + number1.charAt(x));
where eachNumber increments everytime it gets the value on your STRING Object number1 and adds a "\n" which is a new line, now go ahead how are you goint to print all the value of eachNumber object.
sorry for bad english .. im a bit tired