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Thread: Problem in code of artificial neural network

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Problem in code of artificial neural network

    Hi ,
    I was designing neural network code for Unicode Optical character recognition using artificial neural network (Unicode Optical Character Recognition - CodeProject) and I am not getting it run correctly.
    I started writing code from from scratch and got stuck in network code.

    package ocr;//Unicode Optical character recognition using artificial neural network
    import java.lang.Math;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    class Network{
    		Learning rate = 150
    		Sigmoid Slope = 0.014
    		Weight bias = 30 (determined by trial and error)
    		Number of Epochs = 300-600 (depending on the complexity of the font types)
    		Mean error threshold value = 0.0002 (determined by trial and error)
    	public int[] input1 = new int[150];//Input of layer 1 (from other module)(input layer)
    	public double[] input2 = new double[250];//Input of layer 2(one hidden layer)
    	public double[] output2 = new double[250];//output of layer 2
    	public double[] input3 = new double[16];//Input of layer 3
    	public double[] output3 = new double[16];//Output of layer 3(output layer)
    	public double[] required = new double[16];//Required output
    	public static double[][] edge1 = new double[150][250];//edges from input layer nodes to hidden layer
    	public static double[][] edge2 = new double[250][16];//edges from hidden layer to output layer
    	public double[] error2 = new double[16];//To calculate back propagation error at output layer
    	public double[] error1 = new double[250];//To calculate back propagation error at middle(1 hidden) layer
    	public static double error = 0.0;//To calculate total error to compare with threshold error
    	java.util.List<CharMatrixs> charMatrix;
    	//weight initialize
    	Network(java.util.List<CharMatrixs> charMatrix){
    		for(int i= 0;i<150;i++)
    			for(int j=0;j<250;j++)
    				edge1[i][j]=Math.random()*500;//initialize weights of edge1 
    		for(int i=0;i<250;i++)
    			for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
    				edge2[i][j]=Math.random()*500;//initialize weights of edge2
    		this.charMatrix = charMatrix;		
    	public void test(){//Start training or Testing of network
    			for(int charIndex=0;charIndex<Char.charNum;charIndex++){//Runs for number of characters read from image for each character
    					int index=0;
    					for(int row=0;row<15;row++)
    						for(int column=0;column<10;column++)
    							input1[index++]=charMatrix.get(charIndex).matrix[row][column];//linearize the 2-D matrix into single array for input layer 
    			Unicode reqCharOP = new Unicode();
    			java.util.ArrayList<Required> req_OP = reqCharOP.reqOP;
    			required = req_OP.get(charIndex).required_op;//required = 16 bit of read character at charIndex
    			for(int j=0;j<250;j++){
    				for(int i=0;i<150;i++){
    					input2[j] = input2[j]+input1[i]*edge1[i][j]+30;//Calculating Input for layer 2 for node j
    				output2[j]=2/(1+(Math.pow(Math.E,(-0.014*input2[j]))))-1;//calculating output of hidden layer node j(layer 2)
    			for(int j=0;j<16;j++){
    				for(int i=0;i<250;i++){
    					input3[j] = input3[j]+output2[i]*edge2[i][j]+30;//Calculating Input for layer 3 for node j
    				output3[j]=2/(1+(Math.pow(Math.E,(-0.014*input3[j]))))-1;//calculating output of layer 3 (output layer) node j
    			//error Computation
    			for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
    				error2[i]=output3[i]*(1-output3[i])*(required[i]-output3[i]);//error at output layer			
    				Here is where I'm getting problem output of output layer nodes is always coming 1 or value very close to one so
    				error2 for all nodes is coming 0.
    				So weights are also not upadating as error2 is 0 and thus network is not working.
    				Help !!
    			double temp = 0.0;
    			for(int i=0;i<250;i++){
    				for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
    					temp = temp+edge2[i][j]*error2[j];
    				error1[i]=output2[i]*(1-output2[i])*temp;//To calculate error at middle , 1 hidden layer				
    			//weight updation
    			for(int j=0;j<250;j++)
    				for(int i=0;i<150;i++){
    					edge1[i][j]=edge1[i][j]+150*error1[j]*input1[i];//weight updation for edges input to hidden layer
    			for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
    				for(int i=0;i<250;i++)
    					edge2[i][j]=edge2[i][j]+150*error2[j]*output2[i];//weight updation for edges hidden to output layer		
    			for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
    					error = error + error2[i];
    					error = error - error2[i];
    			error *=-1;
    		}while(error>0.0002);//Repeat until Total error is > minimum threshold value

    Here all the network attributes of network
    Learning rate = 150
    Sigmoid Slope = 0.014
    Weight bias = 30 (determined by trial and error)
    Number of Epochs = 300-600 (depending on the complexity of the font types)
    Mean error threshold value = 0.0002 (determined by trial and error)
    are taken from Unicode Optical Character Recognition - CodeProject.

    Whats Happening is Output of the network nodes is coming 1 or value very close to 1 so the error always reaches to 0.
    I'm not able to get around the problem how to take initial weight values so that network gets trained.
    Also may be the network parameters have to be changed.
    Also I'm writing neural network code first time so have no idea whether its right way to implement network or not.
    I'm basically using theory from Unicode Optical Character Recognition - CodeProject and writing code in Java and till far it has worked.
    Any suggestion and Help will be appreciated.

    Other Classes:

    package ocr;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    class CharMatrixs{
    	public int[][] matrix = new int[15][10];//Input of layer 1 , 150 nodes

    package ocr;
    //Training image has 89 characters
    //To get unicode of each character in that sequence
    class Unicode{
    	java.util.ArrayList<Required> reqOP = new java.util.ArrayList<Required>();//Arraylist for each character's 16 bit unicode
    	int[] arr = {65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,127,33,35,36,37,94,38,42,40,41,45,43,91,93,123,125,92,59,39,58,44,46,47,60,62,63,64};
    		for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
    				Required req = new Required();
    				int j;

    package ocr;
    class Required{
    	double[] required_op = new double[16];

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem in code of artificial neural network

    To find your logic problem You need to debug your program by adding println statements to show the values of variables as they change. If you know what the values should be as they are generated, you should be able to find your error.

    For example:
    System.out.println("var1=" + var1); // replace var1 with the name of your variable

    How can anyone test this code? It's missing a main method.
    I get compile errors: Char is not defined.
    Last edited by Norm; May 30th, 2011 at 09:03 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problem in code of artificial neural network

    I have used the prinln statements to find how the code is working and thats How I know that code is giving output nodes value 1 every time So the problem is how can I decide the initial weights so that Training can occur.
    Also the application is OCR and I just posted the code related to Neural network not for Image processing and other classes.

    Also error Char not found is because I'm using static member Char.charNum in loop iterations in different classes.
    So just replace Char.charNum with ArrayList.size() as size == charNum , replace ArrayList with actual ArrayList the loop is working.

    But the basic problem is How can I start the network training with initial weights so that weights get updated , in other words Is there any idea about what initial weights should be taken in neural network or can any guess be taken for them.
    Last edited by aduaitpokhriyal; May 31st, 2011 at 02:49 AM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem in code of artificial neural network

    This sounds more like an application design problem than a Java coding problem.
    Can you describe what you what to do in the Java lanugage? Or the problem you are having using java maybe someone can help.
    I can't relate anything you said about your problem with a java coding problem.

    I know that code is giving output nodes value 1 every time
    Why does your code give that value? Is the equation wrong?
    What value should it give?

    How can anyone test this code? It's missing a main method.

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