import hsa.*;
public class MyBlackJackProject
public static void main(String[] args)
Console con = new Console();
//Declare Variables
int again = 0;
int money = 1000;
double range = 26;
int randomGenNum;
int yourBet;
int userHandValue = 0, userDrawnValue;
int dealerHandValue = 0, dealerDrawnValue;
String playAgain;
String hit = "";
String strBetAmount;
String userCard, dealerCard;
int[] arrayCardValues = {0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10};
String[] arrayCardSuites =
//ask the user how much they want to bet
con.println("You currently have $" + money + " to play with");
con.println("How much do you want to bet?");
strBetAmount = con.readLine();
yourBet = Integer.parseInt(strBetAmount);
//dealers first card
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the dealer hand value & card, pulling index from array
dealerHandValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
//Check if the dealer got an ace
if ((randomGenNum >= 2) && (randomGenNum <= 5))
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10;
int tempDealerHandValue = dealerHandValue;
dealerCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
//displaying values to the screen
con.println("The dealer is showing a " + dealerCard);
//dealers second card
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the dealer hand value & card, pulling index from array
dealerHandValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
//Check if the dealer got an ace
if ((dealerHandValue != 11) && (randomGenNum >= 2) && (randomGenNum <= 5))
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10;
dealerCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
//displaying values to the screen
con.println("The dealers second card is " + dealerCard);
dealerHandValue = tempDealerHandValue + dealerHandValue;
con.println("The dealers total hand value is: " + (dealerHandValue));
//users first card
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the user hand value & card, pulling index from array
userHandValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
//Check if the user got an ace
if ((randomGenNum >= 2) && (randomGenNum <= 5))
userHandValue = userHandValue + 10;
int tempUserHandValue = userHandValue;
userCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
//displaying values to the screen
con.println("Your first card is " + userCard);
//users second card
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the user hand value & card, pulling index from array
userHandValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
//Check if the user has an ace
if ((userHandValue != 11) && (randomGenNum >= 2) && (randomGenNum <= 5))
userHandValue = userHandValue + 10;
userCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
//displaying values to the screen
con.println("Your second card is " + userCard);
con.println("Your total hand value is: " + (userHandValue));
//check for the either player having a blackjack(hand value = 21)
if ((dealerHandValue == 21) && (userHandValue != 21))
con.println("Dealer has 21. You lose! You have $"+money+" left.");
if ((dealerHandValue != 21) && (userHandValue == 21))
con.println("Winner, Winner chicken dinner. You have 21. ! You have $"+money+" left.");
if ((dealerHandValue == 21) && (userHandValue == 21))
con.println("You tied with the dealer. Its a push. You have $"+money+" left.");
if ((dealerHandValue != 21) && (userHandValue != 21))
con.println("Would you like to hit? (Y/N)");
hit = con.readLine();
hit = hit.toUpperCase();
if (hit.compareTo("N") == 0 )
if (hit.compareTo("Y") == 0 )
again = 0;
//placeholder for giving user another card.
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the user hand value & card, pulling index from array
userDrawnValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
userHandValue = userDrawnValue + userHandValue;
userCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
con.println("Your hit card is " + userCard);
con.println("Your hand value is "+userHandValue+".");
while ((userHandValue < 21) && (again == 0));
//If the user exceeds 21
if (userHandValue > 21)
con.println("You busted! You have $"+ money +" left.");
again = 1;
//start the dealers loop
if ((dealerHandValue <= 16) && (again != 0))
again = 1;
//placeholder for giving dealer another card.
randomGenNum = (int)((range * Math.random()) + 1)*2;
//assigning the dealer hand value & card, pulling index from array
dealerDrawnValue = arrayCardValues[randomGenNum];
dealerHandValue = dealerDrawnValue+dealerHandValue;
dealerCard = arrayCardSuites[randomGenNum];
con.println("The dealers hit card is " + dealerCard);
con.println("The dealers hand value is " + dealerHandValue + ".");
while (dealerHandValue <= 16);
//If the dealer exceeds 21
if (dealerHandValue > 21)
con.println("Dealer busted! You have $"+money+" left.");
//print final hand values
con.println("Your final hand value is: " + userHandValue);
con.println("The dealers final hand value is: " + dealerHandValue);
//if noone breaks or has 21 compare the dealer hand to the user hand to see who wins.
//If the dealer wins the hand.
if ((dealerHandValue < 22) && (dealerHandValue > userHandValue))
con.println("The dealer beat you! You have $"+money+" left.");
//If the player wins the hand.
if ((userHandValue < 22) && (dealerHandValue < userHandValue))
con.println("You beat the dealer, Congratulations!!! You have $"+money+" left.");
//If there is a tie.
if (dealerHandValue == userHandValue)
con.println("You tied with the dealer. Its a push. You have $"+money+" left.");
//See if the user wants to play again.
con.println("Would you like to play again? (Y/N)");
playAgain = con.readLine();
playAgain = playAgain.toUpperCase();
if (playAgain.compareTo("Y") == 0 )
again = 1;
again = 0;
while (again == 1);