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Thread: ParsingTo Interger Issue

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default ParsingTo Interger Issue

    I could pare to Integer, so I have to used double in this code. Is there anyone can help on that please. Also can someone check on modulus formula it seems not working right.Please Help
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
     * Sample application using Frame.
     * @author 
     * @version 1.00 11/06/19
    public class HomeWork6Frame extends JFrame {
    			//Creating the Labels
    	 private JLabel SecondsL, MinutesL, HoursL, DaysL, YearsL; //L stand for Label
    			//Creating the TextField
    	 private JTextField SecondsTF, MinutesTF, HoursTF, DaysTF, YearsTF;//TF stand for TextField
    			//Creating the Buttons
    	 private JButton  calculate, exit;
    			//Decalring actionlistener for the buttons
    	 private CalculateButtonHandler cbHandler;
    	 private ExitButtonHandler ebHandler;
         public HomeWork6Frame()
            	// The lables part of the program
    	      	 setTitle("Program to Conver Seconds into Minutes,Hours and Days");
    	      	 SecondsL = new JLabel("Number of Seconds to be convert it: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    	      	 MinutesL = new JLabel("Number of Minuts: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    	       	 HoursL   = new JLabel("Number of Hours: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    	      	 DaysL    = new JLabel("Number of Days: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    	       	 YearsL   = new JLabel("Number of Years: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    			//Text Field protion tf the program
    			SecondsTF = new JTextField(10);
    			MinutesTF = new JTextField(10);
    			HoursTF   = new JTextField(10);
    			DaysTF    = new JTextField(10);
    			YearsTF   = new JTextField(10);
    			// Creating the Buttons
    			calculate = new JButton("Calculate");
    			cbHandler = new CalculateButtonHandler();
    	 		exit = new JButton("Exit");
    	 		ebHandler = new ExitButtonHandler();
    		       	//Container portion of the prog
    		       Container pane = getContentPane();
    		       pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(7, 2));
    		       //Addin Labels and TextField to the pane
    				//Adding the Buttons
    		       //Windows size and visibility
    		       setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
         * Shutdown procedure when run as an application.
        protected void windowClosed()
    		 ********** Calculate  class ******************************/
    	    private class CalculateButtonHandler implements ActionListener
    			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    				//Declaring Variables
    				double seconds;
    				double minutes = 60; //seconds
    				double hours   = 3600;//seconds
    				double days    = 86400; //seconds
    				double years   = 365;
    				//double temp;
    			// Perofimng the calculations
    				seconds = Double.parseDouble(SecondsTF.getText());
    				minutes = seconds/minutes;
    				seconds = seconds % minutes;
    				hours   = seconds / hours;
    				seconds = seconds % hours;
    				days    = seconds / days;
    				seconds = seconds % days;
    				years   = seconds / years;
    				seconds = seconds % years;
    				MinutesTF.setText("" + minutes);
    				HoursTF.setText("" + hours);
    				DaysTF.setText("" + days);
    				YearsTF.setText("" + years);
    		 ********** Exit class***********************************/
    		private class ExitButtonHandler implements ActionListener
    				public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    someone check on modulus formula it seems not working right.
    please explain what your problem is. What does the code do or not do?

    To learn how some operators work, write a 2 line program to use the operator and print out the results.
    Change the operands and try it again. Look at the output. Change and do it again.
    If after several tries you still do not understand, post your code here with its output and ask your question about what you don't understand.

    I could pare to Integer, so I have to used double
    Can you explain what your problem was here? I don't understand what "could pare to Integer" means.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    Sorry for the confusing that I may caused. But my problem is. I want to read an in Textfield as seconds then convert that seconds to minutes, hours, days. If I declare all the variables as integers and use this
     seconds = Double.parseDouble(SecondsTF.getText());
    it wont parse it, so I have to use double instead.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    it wont parse it, so I have to use double instead.
    Please explain what happens and show an example.

    If you enter: 1234546.555 in the SecondsTF, what value should end up in the seconds variable?

    Whoops missed this:
    f I declare all the variables as integers
    Did you look at the Integer class for the method to use?
    Last edited by Norm; June 19th, 2011 at 11:59 AM. Reason: See Integer class

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    I got that fix thanks. And now i having another issue with the formula below
    I want to divide seconds to minute to get number of minutes then hours, then days. I could not figured out how to get hours from the minutes.
    				minutes = seconds/minutes;
    				seconds = seconds % minutes;
    				hours   = seconds / hours;
    				seconds = seconds % hours;
    				days    = seconds / days;
    				seconds = seconds % days;
    				years   = seconds / years;
    				seconds = seconds % years;
    				MinutesTF.setText("" + minutes);
    				HoursTF.setText("" + hours);
    				DaysTF.setText("" + days);
    				YearsTF.setText("" + years);

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    I could not figured out how to get hours from the minutes.
    How many hours in 130 minutes? How did you get that answer?

    As I said in post #2:
    To learn how some operators work, write a 2 line program to use the operator and print out the results.
    Change the operands and try it again. Look at the output. Change and do it again.
    Last edited by Norm; June 19th, 2011 at 12:46 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ParsingTo Interger Issue

    If you want to get minutes from seconds, divide by 60. If you want to get hours from seconds, divide by 3600, (or you could divide the previously calculated minutes by 60). Etc.

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